BengeWeb Logo Services Available





About Us

BengeWeb Services specialises in the provision of the following services for small companies, clubs or non-profit organisations.
Web Site Services Domain Name Services
Design & Development Domain Search and Registration
Hosting Email Re-Direction
Maintenance & Up-Keep  

Please also refer to our Terms and Conditions.

Web Site Design & Development

We specialise in the design and development of web sites from scratch. You've probably got some ideas on the information you want to display. We've got heaps of suggestions on layout and design.

Check out our other client sites for some great examples of our work.

Contact us to discuss details.

If you or a 3rd party are going to design your website, we have a document entitled "Designing Websites for the BengeWeb Environment" that would be good reading.


Web Site Hosting

Once you have your web site designed it needs to be hosted somewhere - on a computer attached to the internet so others may view it. Check out our very reasonable rates below. We can also take over the hosting of your site if it's currently being hosted else where.

Please Note:

  1. The hosting prices listed below are for websites designed by yourself or a third party. For websites that we design, BengeWeb will quote for the monthly hosting fees at the same time as quoting to build the actual website.
  2. The email services listed below assume that BengeWeb is hosting your domain name as well.
  3. The prices listed below do not include the cost of registering a domain name

Host One Page

Setup: $30.00

Monthly: $10.00 (ex GST)


  • up to 1MB space
  • up to two email re-directions to nominated addresses
  • directed to a nominated address
  • if you already have the content you want to show on your web page, the cost includes the design and implementation of that page.
  • Attracts a $1 per month discount if you allow a small BengeWeb Services banner to be visibly displayed on your main home page.

Suited to display one page consisting of your company's logo, contact details and a photo. Ideal when you're pondering just how far to go with this internet "thing" or while your full web site is being developed.


Host Starter

Setup: $30.00

Monthly: $17.00 (ex GST)


  • up to 10MB space - enough for over 200 standard web pages with a photo on each page
  • up to two email re-directions to nominated addresses
  • directed to a nominated address
  • ftp for web site maintenance
  • Frontpage extensions if necessary
  • Attracts a $1.50 per month discount if you allow a small BengeWeb Services banner to be visibly displayed on your main home page.


Host Small Business

Setup: $40.00

Monthly: $28.00 (ex GST)


  • up to 30MB space - enough for over 700 standard web pages with a photo on each page
  • up to two email re-directions to nominated addresses
  • directed to a nominated address
  • ftp for web site maintenance
  • PHP 5
  • MySQL - one database
  • Frontpage extensions if necessary
  • Attracts a $2 per month discount if you allow a small BengeWeb Services banner to be visibly displayed on your main home page.



Web Site Maintenance & Up-Keep

Do you have a current web site that requires a bit of tender loving care ?

BengeWeb Services can provide web site maintenance services for your web site hosted with us or else where.

We can do this work on a hourly basis or we can discuss a fixed priced service within set parameters.

Contact us to discuss details.


Email Re-Direction


Setup: $15.00

Monthly: $8.00 (ex GST)


While you're just thinking about the possibility of a web site, it's probably a good idea to Register your domain and setup email re-direction. Registering a domain does not cost a lot of money, and if you decide you don't need it, you may let it lapse with no penalty.

For minimal cost, we can re-direct two email addresses from your domain to email addresses nominated by you. For example:

  • could be directed to
  • could be directed

Email re-direction allows you to start publishing email addresses specific to your organisation - ie you can print "" on your business cards and letter-head thus presenting a professional image.

You can start utilising your new domain name for email re-direction well before you start using it for a web site. Receiving email at a domain and using the domain for a website may be done separately. Some use their domain just for email - and that's fine.

And for little fuss or cost, also consider our Host One Page package.



All pricing excludes GST

All Monthly Pricing:

  • Is for a calendar month
  • Attracts a further 5% discount for 12 months payment in advance

Standard Features With All Hosting Packages:

  • No limit on web site traffic (within reason)
  • Domain Name Hosting
  • Stable Linux/Apache hosting environment
  • Hosted on fast, technically advanced, well managed servers
  • Daily backup - kept for approximately one month
  • Detailed web site statistics

Optional Features Available With All Hosting Packages:

  • Extra email re-direction
  • Extra pop email accounts
  • Extra disk space
  • PHP Access
  • MySQL Access / Extra Databases

Please Contact Us for pricing on these extra features.

Hosting Packages Do Not Include:

  • Web site maintenance by BengeWeb Services, unless otherwise stated. Of course we offer that extra service or for most of our hosting packages above, you have the ability to carry it out yourself if you're experienced in the tools used to develop the web site.


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