BengeWeb Pre-Written Modules
Voting Polls
| Voting Polls
Setup your own voting polls and allow the public to vote on them.
Optionally allow the public to request new poll questions or suggest additional options for existing polls. |
The following Module(s) are also required when Voting Polls is utilised: When these Module(s) below are utlised as well, the functionality of Voting Polls is extended:
Calendar and Events | With Calendar/Events and Voting Polls on the same website, your website adminsitrator may link a Poll to an Event.
For example, perhaps you have an event defined for a local under-14 hockey tournament your club is hosting. You could create that event and then create a voting poll asking "Who will win the Rangiora U14 Tournament ? " listing all the entered teams as options.
Your website administrator would then link the Poll to the event so the Poll appears whenever anybody visits that tournament's event detail webpage. |
Image Galleries | If Voting Polls and Image Galleries are utilised on the same website, your website administrator may associate any image out of the galleries with any voting poll.
That image will then appear on that poll's "Show Poll Results" webpage. |
See the Full List of Modules
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